% This is a configuration file for t1accent program % (c) Petr Olsak April 1998 % This configuration file was used for generation CSfonts in pfb format % from BaKoMa CM fonts: REM "CSfonts -- pfb ver.Apr.1998, generated from BaKoMa fonts. NO WARRANTY." REM "Accents are added using t1accent program, (c) Petr Olsak, 1998" % The set of fonts generated with the same configuration file: IN cmtt10 cmtt12 cmtt9 cmtt8 NAME cmtt -> cstt ENC cstt SRC /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/ % Many parts of this configuration file were copied from METAPOST output % on cstt10 with ljfour mode: % mpost '&mfplain \mode=ljfour; input cstt10' VAR /factor 102 def % scale factor from ljfour mode to Type1 % coordinate system VAR /capshift 240 def % The shift of dieresis for uppercase letters SUB /lc-caron { % source from MPost output, code 232 factor factor scaled 1.35356 5.37851 moveto 2.5162 4.63626 lineto 2.60896 4.57704 2.72768 4.57704 2.82043 4.63626 curveto 3.98308 5.37851 lineto 4.31343 5.5894 4.00655 6.07751 3.68146 5.88084 curveto 2.66832 5.26794 lineto 1.65518 5.88084 lineto 1.3301 6.07751 1.02321 5.5894 1.35356 5.37851 curveto closepath } SUB /lc-grave { % source from MPost output, code 184 factor factor scaled 1.98543 5.42342 moveto 3.40361 4.83084 lineto 3.75163 4.68542 3.98558 5.19308 3.64893 5.36317 curveto 2.27707 6.05629 lineto 1.84694 6.27362 1.54077 5.6092 1.98543 5.42342 curveto closepath } SUB /lc-acute { % source from MPost output, code 225 factor factor scaled 3.38045 6.05629 moveto 2.00859 5.36317 lineto 1.67194 5.19308 1.90588 4.68542 2.2539 4.83084 curveto 3.67209 5.42342 lineto 4.11674 5.6092 3.81058 6.27362 3.38045 6.05629 curveto closepath } SUB /lc-cflex { % source from MPost output, code 244 factor factor scaled 1.1207 4.74454 moveto 2.60516 5.39142 lineto 4.08963 4.74454 lineto 4.43782 4.5928 4.67761 5.10942 4.33153 5.2782 curveto 2.72908 6.05966 lineto 2.65088 6.0978 2.55946 6.0978 2.48126 6.05966 curveto 0.87881 5.2782 lineto 0.53271 5.10942 0.7725 4.5928 1.1207 4.74454 curveto closepath } SUB /lc-ring { % source from MPost output, code 249 factor factor scaled 2.60516 6.08827 moveto 2.33072 6.08827 2.06754 5.97925 1.87347 5.7852 curveto 1.67941 5.59114 1.5704 5.32794 1.5704 5.05351 curveto 1.5704 4.77907 1.67941 4.51587 1.87347 4.32182 curveto 2.06754 4.12776 2.33072 4.01875 2.60516 4.01875 curveto 2.8796 4.01875 3.14279 4.12776 3.33685 4.32182 curveto 3.5309 4.51587 3.63992 4.77907 3.63992 5.05351 curveto 3.63992 5.32794 3.5309 5.59114 3.33685 5.7852 curveto 3.14279 5.97925 2.8796 6.08827 2.60516 6.08827 curveto closepath 2.60516 5.61934 moveto 2.75523 5.61934 2.89915 5.55972 3.00526 5.45361 curveto 3.11137 5.34749 3.17099 5.20357 3.17099 5.05351 curveto 3.17099 4.90344 3.11137 4.75952 3.00526 4.65341 curveto 2.89915 4.54729 2.75523 4.48767 2.60516 4.48767 curveto 2.4551 4.48767 2.31117 4.54729 2.20506 4.65341 curveto 2.09895 4.75952 2.03934 4.90344 2.03934 5.05351 curveto 2.03934 5.20357 2.09895 5.34749 2.20506 5.45361 curveto 2.31117 5.55972 2.4551 5.61934 2.60516 5.61934 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-grave { % source from /uc-acute, negate x-coordinate and reverse factor factor scaled 2.1153 6.59407 moveto 3.5585 6.60803 lineto 3.94676 6.61179 3.94672 7.17253 3.58234 7.18349 curveto 2.23552 7.22395 lineto 1.7283 7.2392 1.75708 6.59059 2.1153 6.59407 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-acute { % source from MPost output, code 193 factor factor scaled 3.79266 7.2518 moveto 1.82646 6.83568 lineto 1.4544 6.75694 1.55615 6.20097 1.93198 6.25911 curveto 3.9181 6.56635 lineto 4.39021 6.63937 4.26003 7.35071 3.79266 7.2518 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-caron { % source from MPost output, code 200 factor factor scaled 1.57979 6.51971 moveto 2.74034 6.09322 lineto 2.80328 6.07008 2.8724 6.07008 2.93536 6.09322 curveto 4.0959 6.51971 lineto 4.45372 6.65121 4.27429 7.18521 3.91298 7.07623 curveto 2.83784 6.75197 lineto 1.76271 7.07623 lineto 1.4014 7.18521 1.22197 6.65121 1.57979 6.51971 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-cflex { % source from MPost output, code 212 factor factor scaled 0.91142 6.15277 moveto 2.60516 6.4465 lineto 4.29889 6.15277 lineto 4.67238 6.088 4.7851 6.64035 4.41515 6.727 curveto 2.66963 7.1359 lineto 2.62723 7.14583 2.5831 7.14583 2.54068 7.1359 curveto 0.79518 6.727 lineto 0.42523 6.64035 0.53793 6.088 0.91142 6.15277 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-ring { % source from MPost output, code 217 90 75 scaled 2.75719 7.27307 moveto 2.48276 7.27307 2.21956 7.16405 2.0255 6.96999 curveto 1.83144 6.77594 1.72243 6.51274 1.72243 6.2383 curveto 1.72243 5.96387 1.83144 5.70067 2.0255 5.50662 curveto 2.21956 5.31256 2.48276 5.20354 2.75719 5.20354 curveto 3.03162 5.20354 3.29482 5.31256 3.48888 5.50662 curveto 3.68292 5.70067 3.79195 5.96387 3.79195 6.2383 curveto 3.79195 6.51274 3.68292 6.77594 3.48888 6.96999 curveto 3.29482 7.16405 3.03162 7.27307 2.75719 7.27307 curveto closepath 2.75719 6.88217 moveto 2.92795 6.88217 3.09172 6.81433 3.21246 6.69359 curveto 3.33322 6.57285 3.40105 6.40907 3.40105 6.2383 curveto 3.40105 6.06754 3.33322 5.90376 3.21246 5.78302 curveto 3.09172 5.66228 2.92795 5.59444 2.75719 5.59444 curveto 2.58643 5.59444 2.42265 5.66228 2.3019 5.78302 curveto 2.18115 5.90376 2.11331 6.06754 2.11331 6.2383 curveto 2.11331 6.40907 2.18115 6.57285 2.3019 6.69359 curveto 2.42265 6.81433 2.58643 6.88217 2.75719 6.88217 curveto closepath } SUB /sub-comma { % source from cm*.pfb, /comma, scaled -50 450 rmoveto .8 .666 scaled 2 0 2 0 2 0 rrcurveto 76 23 54 63 0 81 rrcurveto 1 1.5 scaled 49 -32 52 -53 vhcurveto -36 -29 -29 -35 hvcurveto -37 29 -28 36 vhcurveto 2 0 3 0 3 0 rrcurveto 3 1 rlineto 6 1 rlineto 1 .666 scaled -9 -39 -33 -31 -38 -9 rrcurveto -12 -4 -9 -10 0 -14 rrcurveto -17 16 -17 17 vhcurveto closepath } SUB /percent-zero { % source from cm*.pfb, /percent -197 -55 rmoveto 93 36 126 76 hvcurveto 75 -36 126 -93 vhcurveto -100 -48 -117 -84 hvcurveto -85 48 -117 100 vhcurveto closepath 26 vmoveto -75 -7 122 53 hvcurveto 52 6 124 76 vhcurveto 74 26 -118 -57 hvcurveto -58 -26 -118 -74 vhcurveto closepath -26 vmoveto } SUB /dot-dieresis { % source from cm*.pfb, subroutine for /dieresis -28 23 -24 29 vhcurveto 28 24 24 28 hvcurveto 28 -24 24 -28 vhcurveto -29 -23 -24 -28 hvcurveto closepath } SUB /s-dieresis { 557 vmoveto 160 vvaxis % 216/2 + diameter of a dot dot-dieresis callsubr 216 hmoveto dot-dieresis callsubr } SUB /uc-dieresis { 500 vmoveto 125 vvaxis dot-dieresis callsubr 156 hmoveto dot-dieresis callsubr } SUB /U-dieresis { % For Udiereis 500 vmoveto 198 vvaxis dot-dieresis callsubr 292 hmoveto dot-dieresis callsubr } SUB /guill-left { % source from dc*.pfb, scaled 130 -126 rlineto 4 -4 8 -4 6 0 rrcurveto 17 hlineto 16 2 12 12 0 16 rrcurveto 0 7 -3 8 -5 6 rrcurveto -107 103 rlineto 106 103 rlineto 5 6 4 7 0 9 rrcurveto 0 16 -12 12 -16 2 rrcurveto -17 hlineto -6 0 -8 -4 -4 -4 rrcurveto -128 -125 rlineto -6 -5 -4 -8 0 -9 rrcurveto 0 -7 3 -8 5 -5 rrcurveto closepath return } SUB /guill-right { % source from dc*.pfb, scaled 17 hlineto 5 0 7 3 4 3 rrcurveto 158 124 rlineto 7 6 5 9 0 9 rrcurveto 0 8 -3 9 -6 5 rrcurveto -161 127 rlineto -4 3 -7 3 -5 0 rrcurveto -17 hlineto -16 -2 -12 -12 0 -16 rrcurveto 0 -8 3 -9 7 -5 rrcurveto 130 -103 rlineto -128 -100 rlineto -7 -6 -5 -8 0 -10 rrcurveto 0 -16 12 -12 16 -2 rrcurveto closepath return } CHAR /Aacute /A /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Adieresis /A /uc-dieresis 0 capshift putcenter CHAR /Agrave /A /uc-grave 0 0 putcenter CHAR /aacute /a /lc-acute 20 0 putcenter CHAR /adieresis /a /s-dieresis 0 0 putcenter CHAR /agrave /a /lc-grave 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Ccaron /C /uc-caron 25 10 putcenter CHAR /ccaron /c /lc-caron 30 0 putcenter CHAR /Dcaron /D /uc-caron -55 0 putcenter CHAR /dcaron /d /sub-comma 0 0 putafter CHAR /Ecaron /E /uc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Eacute /E /uc-acute 20 0 putcenter CHAR /ecaron /e /lc-caron 20 0 putcenter CHAR /eacute /e /lc-acute 50 0 putcenter CHAR /Iacute /I /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /iacute /dotlessi /lc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Lcaron /L /sub-comma 130 0 putcenter CHAR /Lacute /L /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /lcaron /l /sub-comma -80 0 putafter CHAR /lacute /l /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Ncaron /N /uc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /ncaron /n /lc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Ocircumflex /O /uc-cflex 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Odieresis /O /uc-dieresis 0 capshift putcenter CHAR /Oacute /O /uc-acute 20 10 putcenter CHAR /ocircumflex /o /lc-cflex 0 0 putcenter CHAR /odieresis /o /s-dieresis 0 0 putcenter CHAR /oacute /o /lc-acute 60 0 putcenter CHAR /Rcaron /R /uc-caron -55 0 putcenter CHAR /Racute /R /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /rcaron /r /lc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /racute /r /lc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Scaron /S /uc-caron 0 10 putcenter CHAR /scaron /s /lc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Tcaron /T /uc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /tcaron /t /sub-comma 140 0 putcenter CHAR /Udieresis /U /U-dieresis 0 capshift putcenter CHAR /Uring /U /uc-ring 0 200 putcenter CHAR /Uacute /U /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /udieresis /u /s-dieresis 0 0 putcenter CHAR /uring /u /lc-ring 0 25 putcenter CHAR /uacute /u /lc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Yacute /Y /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /yacute /y /lc-acute 0 2 putcenter CHAR /Zcaron /Z /uc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /zcaron /z /lc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /quotedblbase /quotedbl 50 -540 0 correct /.noinsert CHAR /csquotedblright /quotedbl -50 0 0 correct /.noinsert CHAR /guillemotleft { 0 525 hsbw 82 199 rmoveto guill-left callsubr 175 hmoveto guill-left callsubr endchar } CHAR /guillemotright { 0 525 hsbw 102 65 rmoveto guill-right callsubr 175 hmoveto guill-right callsubr endchar } CHAR /ogonek { % source from MPost output, code 157 20 525 hsbw factor factor scaled 2.91527 0.27509 moveto 2.75847 0.06808 2.5632 -0.2994 2.47942 -0.54518 curveto 2.36871 -0.86987 2.37071 -1.22849 2.5418 -1.52486 curveto 2.71553 -1.82579 3.04385 -2.01228 3.38138 -1.94936 curveto 3.79468 -1.87231 4.2983 -1.40714 4.40784 -1.00124 curveto 4.2344 -0.8557 lineto 4.14986 -1.1711 3.70605 -1.47543 3.38138 -1.44069 curveto 3.19162 -1.42038 3.04582 -1.27519 2.96802 -1.09863 curveto 2.89162 -0.92528 2.87985 -0.73207 2.91058 -0.54518 curveto 2.94463 -0.3382 3.04984 -0.01895 3.14554 0.16771 curveto 2.91527 0.27509 lineto } % dvips has a bug: it is impossible to have the two same names in the % Encoding vector: CHAR /althyphen /hyphen /.noinsert SUB /percent-white { -19 5 -7 46 0 17 rrcurveto 16 8 52 20 vhcurveto 19 -5 7 -46 0 -17 rrcurveto -16 -8 -52 -20 vhcurveto closepath } CHAR /perthousand { -30 525 hsbw -83 65 hstem 118 65 hstem 427 267 hstem 0 60 vstem 114 60 vstem 280 60 vstem 394 60 vstem 52 -48 rmoveto -19 16 -16 19 vhcurveto 15 0 10 8 7 12 rrcurveto 280 708 rlineto 2 4 1 5 0 5 rrcurveto 19 -16 16 -19 vhcurveto -15 0 -10 -8 -7 -12 rrcurveto -280 -708 rlineto -2 -4 -1 -5 0 -5 rrcurveto closepath 245 -35 rmoveto 64 0 13 20 7 60 rrcurveto 7 -60 13 -20 64 0 rrcurveto 64 23 81 52 hvcurveto 52 -23 81 -64 vhcurveto -64 0 -13 -20 -7 -60 rrcurveto -7 60 -13 20 -64 0 rrcurveto -64 -23 -81 -52 hvcurveto -52 23 -81 64 vhcurveto closepath -1 65 rmoveto percent-white callsubr 174 hmoveto percent-white callsubr -349 445 rmoveto 64 23 82 52 hvcurveto 51 -23 82 -64 vhcurveto -64 -23 -82 -51 hvcurveto -52 23 -82 64 vhcurveto closepath -1 65 rmoveto percent-white callsubr endchar } % End of configuration file