% This is a configuration file for t1accent program % (c) Petr Olsak April 1998 % This configuration file was used for generation CSfonts in pfb format % from BaKoMa CM fonts: REM "CSfonts -- pfb ver.Apr.1998, generated from BaKoMa fonts. NO WARRANTY." REM "Accents are added using t1accent program, (c) Petr Olsak, 1998" % The set of fonts generated with the same configuration file: IN cmti10 cmti12 cmti9 cmti8 cmti7 NAME cmti -> csti ENC csr % the /sterling is named as /dollar in BaKoMa fonts SRC /usr/local/share/texmf/fonts/type1/public/cm/ % Many parts of this configuration file were copied from METAPOST output % on csti10 with ljfour mode: % mpost '&mfplain \mode=ljfour; input csti10' VAR /factor 100 def % scale factor from ljfour mode to Type1 % coordinate system VAR /capshift 240 def % The shift of dieresis for uppercase letters SUB /lc-caron { % source from MPost output, code 232 factor factor scaled 2.82332 6.47057 moveto -.2 vvaxis 3.76883 5.02779 lineto 3.80063 4.97925 3.87686 4.97925 3.93294 5.02779 curveto 5.59984 6.47057 lineto 5.71756 6.57246 5.61653 6.71707 5.4899 6.63202 curveto 4.00215 5.63289 lineto 3.01399 6.63202 lineto 2.92989 6.71707 2.75655 6.57246 2.82332 6.47057 curveto closepath } SUB /lc-grave { % source from MPost output, code 184 factor factor scaled 3.03157 6.39104 moveto -.5 vvaxis 4.07487 5.09445 lineto 4.1484 5.00308 4.32596 5.12668 4.27985 5.23712 curveto 3.62544 6.80444 lineto 3.4583 7.20476 2.76509 6.72221 3.03157 6.39104 curveto closepath } SUB /lc-acute { % source from MPost output, code 225 factor factor scaled 4.722 6.80444 moveto -2.2 vvaxis 3.28394 5.23712 lineto 3.1826 5.12668 3.29836 5.00308 3.41756 5.09445 curveto 5.10916 6.39104 lineto 5.54123 6.72221 5.0893 7.20476 4.722 6.80444 curveto closepath } SUB /lc-cflex { % source from MPost output, code 244 factor factor scaled 2.53552 5.3518 moveto 0 vvaxis 4.10522 6.27698 lineto 5.21234 5.3518 lineto 5.30411 5.27513 5.46819 5.42767 5.39424 5.52289 curveto 4.33499 6.88707 lineto 4.30247 6.92894 4.23396 6.92894 4.18051 6.88707 curveto 2.43916 5.52289 lineto 2.31761 5.42767 2.40541 5.27513 2.53552 5.3518 curveto closepath } SUB /lc-ring { % source from MPost output, code 249 factor factor scaled 4.3929 6.91849 moveto -1.6 vvaxis 4.15259 6.91849 3.89499 6.85056 3.68297 6.68094 curveto 3.47095 6.51132 3.34286 6.2707 3.28278 6.03038 curveto 3.2227 5.79007 3.23047 5.54945 3.35768 5.37984 curveto 3.4849 5.21022 3.70854 5.14229 3.94885 5.14229 curveto 4.18916 5.14229 4.44678 5.21022 4.65878 5.37984 curveto 4.8708 5.54945 4.9989 5.79007 5.05898 6.03038 curveto 5.11905 6.2707 5.11128 6.51132 4.98407 6.68094 curveto 4.85686 6.85056 4.63321 6.91849 4.3929 6.91849 curveto closepath 4.31555 6.60907 moveto 4.47395 6.60907 4.62679 6.57387 4.71057 6.46214 curveto 4.79437 6.35043 4.78915 6.1888 4.74956 6.03038 curveto 4.70996 5.87198 4.63434 5.71034 4.49469 5.59862 curveto 4.35506 5.48691 4.18462 5.4517 4.0262 5.4517 curveto 3.8678 5.4517 3.71497 5.48691 3.63118 5.59862 curveto 3.5474 5.71034 3.5526 5.87198 3.5922 6.03038 curveto 3.63179 6.1888 3.70741 6.35043 3.84706 6.46214 curveto 3.9867 6.57387 4.15714 6.60907 4.31555 6.60907 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-grave { % source from MPost output, code 152 factor factor scaled 5.51263 8.17542 moveto -2 vvaxis 6.38731 7.3295 lineto 6.46077 7.25847 6.29266 7.27441 6.199 7.34769 curveto 5.08865 8.21637 lineto 4.8968 8.36647 5.31451 8.367 5.51263 8.17542 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-acute { % source from MPost output, code 193 factor factor scaled 6.69305 8.4725 moveto -3 vvaxis 4.807 7.43762 lineto 4.67613 7.36581 4.7194 7.1924 4.85643 7.23956 curveto 6.83113 7.91927 lineto 7.30173 8.08125 7.14253 8.71915 6.69305 8.4725 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-caron { % source from MPost output, code 200 factor factor scaled 4.69678 8.0546 moveto -.5 vvaxis 5.7573 7.07188 lineto 5.78929 7.04222 5.84357 7.04222 5.8904 7.07188 curveto 7.44228 8.0546 lineto 7.5674 8.13383 7.51251 8.2973 7.37946 8.24472 curveto 5.97867 7.69115 lineto 4.85466 8.24472 lineto 4.7479 8.2973 4.61127 8.13383 4.69678 8.0546 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-cflex { % source from MPost output, code 212 factor factor scaled 4.15549 7.36937 moveto -0.5 vvaxis 5.76456 7.82231 lineto 7.14714 7.36937 lineto 7.26346 7.33127 7.38249 7.5057 7.28456 7.5714 curveto 5.9764 8.44908 lineto 5.94714 8.4687 5.90515 8.4687 5.8661 8.44908 curveto 4.11908 7.5714 lineto 3.98831 7.5057 4.02013 7.33127 4.15549 7.36937 curveto closepath } SUB /uc-ring { % source from MPost output, code 217 factor factor scaled 5.97255 8.40846 moveto -2.2 vvaxis 5.737 8.40846 5.48772 8.3149 5.27953 8.14835 curveto 5.07135 7.9818 4.92131 7.7559 4.86243 7.52037 curveto 4.80354 7.28482 4.84064 7.05893 4.96555 6.89238 curveto 5.09045 6.72583 5.29295 6.63226 5.52849 6.63226 curveto 5.76404 6.63226 6.01332 6.72583 6.2215 6.89238 curveto 6.42969 7.05893 6.57973 7.28482 6.63861 7.52037 curveto 6.6975 7.7559 6.6604 7.9818 6.53549 8.14835 curveto 6.41058 8.3149 6.20808 8.40846 5.97255 8.40846 curveto closepath 5.89519 8.09904 moveto 6.04866 8.09904 6.18062 8.03807 6.26201 7.92955 curveto 6.3434 7.82103 6.36757 7.67384 6.3292 7.52037 curveto 6.29083 7.36688 6.19307 7.2197 6.0574 7.11118 curveto 5.92175 7.00266 5.75932 6.94168 5.60585 6.94168 curveto 5.45238 6.94168 5.32042 7.00266 5.23903 7.11118 curveto 5.15764 7.2197 5.13347 7.36688 5.17184 7.52037 curveto 5.2102 7.67384 5.30797 7.82103 5.44362 7.92955 curveto 5.57928 8.03807 5.74171 8.09904 5.89519 8.09904 curveto closepath } SUB /sub-comma { % source from cm*.pfb, /comma, scaled 50 500 rmoveto -70 vvaxis 1 .8 scaled 2 0 2 1 2 1 rrcurveto 68 54 67 97 0 90 rrcurveto 1 1.25 scaled 30 -12 31 -35 vhcurveto -36 -32 -31 -36 hvcurveto -26 20 -17 25 vhcurveto 14 0 14 5 12 8 rrcurveto 1 .8 scaled -16 -73 -47 -66 -58 -46 rrcurveto -2 -2 -1 -3 0 -3 rrcurveto -6 6 -8 7 vhcurveto closepath } SUB /percent-zero { % source from cm*.pfb, /percent -250 -55 rmoveto 108 71 186 92 hvcurveto 51 -20 74 -63 vhcurveto -114 -78 -172 -99 hvcurveto -58 26 -74 70 vhcurveto closepath 1 26 rmoveto -36 -7 47 27 hvcurveto 66 50 211 86 vhcurveto 42 8 -64 -31 hvcurveto 0 -54 -15 -55 -24 -48 rrcurveto -18 -36 -40 -63 -46 0 rrcurveto closepath } SUB /dot-dieresis { % source from cm*.pfb, subroutine for /dieresis -28 23 -24 29 vhcurveto 28 24 24 28 hvcurveto 28 -24 24 -28 vhcurveto -29 -23 -24 -28 hvcurveto closepath } SUB /s-dieresis { 557 vmoveto 0 vvaxis % 216/2 + diameter of a dot dot-dieresis callsubr 170 hmoveto dot-dieresis callsubr } SUB /U-dieresis { % For Udiereis 567 vmoveto 0 vvaxis dot-dieresis callsubr 310 hmoveto dot-dieresis callsubr } SUB /guill-left { % source from MPost output, code 158 factor factor scaled 3.74707 4.71841 moveto 3.2677 3.8657 2.62851 3.07845 1.87091 2.40764 curveto 2.2931 1.73683 2.53867 0.94957 2.59169 0.09686 curveto 2.60202 -0.0693 2.81082 -0.00749 2.81482 0.09686 curveto 2.84598 0.90813 2.74396 1.68773 2.5124 2.40764 curveto 3.10391 3.12755 3.59573 3.90715 3.97021 4.71841 curveto 4.01839 4.82277 3.84048 4.88457 3.74707 4.71841 curveto closepath } SUB /guill-right { % source from MPost output, code 159 factor factor scaled 3.97015 4.71841 moveto 3.939 3.90715 4.04102 3.12755 4.27257 2.40764 curveto 3.68106 1.68773 3.18924 0.90813 2.81476 0.09686 curveto 2.76659 -0.00749 2.94449 -0.0693 3.0379 0.09686 curveto 3.51727 0.94957 4.15646 1.73683 4.91406 2.40764 curveto 4.49187 3.07845 4.2463 3.8657 4.19328 4.71841 curveto 4.18295 4.88457 3.97417 4.82277 3.97015 4.71841 curveto closepath } CHAR /Aacute /A /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Adieresis /A /s-dieresis 50 capshift putcenter CHAR /Agrave /A /uc-grave 0 0 putcenter CHAR /aacute /a /lc-acute 20 0 putcenter CHAR /adieresis /a /s-dieresis 0 0 putcenter CHAR /agrave /a /lc-grave 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Ccaron /C /uc-caron 60 0 putcenter CHAR /ccaron /c /lc-caron 30 0 putcenter CHAR /Dcaron /D /uc-caron -55 0 putcenter CHAR /dcaron /d /sub-comma 0 0 putafter CHAR /Ecaron /E /uc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Eacute /E /uc-acute 20 0 putcenter CHAR /ecaron /e /lc-caron 20 0 putcenter CHAR /eacute /e /lc-acute 50 0 putcenter CHAR /Iacute /I /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /iacute /dotlessi /lc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Lcaron /L /sub-comma 150 0 putcenter CHAR /Lacute /L /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /lcaron /l /sub-comma 0 0 putafter CHAR /lacute /l /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Ncaron /N /uc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /ncaron /n /lc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Ocircumflex /O /uc-cflex 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Odieresis /O /s-dieresis 60 capshift putcenter CHAR /Oacute /O /uc-acute 20 10 putcenter CHAR /ocircumflex /o /lc-cflex 0 0 putcenter CHAR /odieresis /o /s-dieresis 0 0 putcenter CHAR /oacute /o /lc-acute 60 0 putcenter CHAR /Rcaron /R /uc-caron -55 0 putcenter CHAR /Racute /R /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /rcaron /r /lc-caron -20 0 putcenter CHAR /racute /r /lc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Scaron /S /uc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /scaron /s /lc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Tcaron /T /uc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /tcaron /t /sub-comma 90 0 putcenter CHAR /Udieresis /U /U-dieresis 0 capshift putcenter CHAR /Uring /U /uc-ring 20 0 putcenter CHAR /Uacute /U /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /udieresis /u /s-dieresis 0 0 putcenter CHAR /uring /u /lc-ring 0 0 putcenter CHAR /uacute /u /lc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /Yacute /Y /uc-acute 0 0 putcenter CHAR /yacute /y /lc-acute 0 2 putcenter CHAR /Zcaron /Z /uc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /zcaron /z /lc-caron 0 0 putcenter CHAR /perthousand /percent 0 0 333 correct /percent-zero 0 0 putafter BBOX 0 0 1111 0 % perthousand is the most wide character CHAR /quotedblbase /quotedblright -50 -589 0 correct /.noinsert CHAR /csquotedblright /quotedblleft -100 0 0 correct /.noinsert CHAR /guillemotleft { 0 10000 18 div hsbw -50 hmoveto guill-left callsubr 150 hmoveto guill-left callsubr endchar } CHAR /guillemotright { 0 10000 18 div hsbw -150 hmoveto guill-right callsubr 150 hmoveto guill-right callsubr endchar } CHAR /ogonek { % source from MPost output, code 157 0 8000 18 div hsbw factor factor scaled 3.0892 0.3507 moveto 2.91359 0.14494 2.66704 -0.20552 2.5368 -0.43448 curveto 2.37033 -0.72716 2.26974 -1.04625 2.33884 -1.32022 curveto 2.40495 -1.58244 2.62724 -1.75932 2.92322 -1.71136 curveto 3.31334 -1.64815 3.85483 -1.1965 3.99263 -0.81938 curveto 3.9896 -0.81616 lineto 3.84193 -1.14627 3.31595 -1.48253 2.98672 -1.45729 curveto 2.78296 -1.44167 2.66602 -1.27835 2.63678 -1.08186 curveto 2.6063 -0.87694 2.66455 -0.6515 2.75766 -0.43448 curveto 2.84921 -0.22112 3.02847 0.11241 3.15968 0.31349 curveto closepath } % dvips has a bug: it is impossible to have the two same names in the % Encoding vector: CHAR /althyphen /hyphen /.noinsert % End of configuration file