Index of /ftp/olsak/slabikar
Name Last modified Size
Parent Directory -
old/ 2020-05-25 09:10 -
ukazka.pdf 2020-07-28 18:41 128K
slabi.pdf 2017-09-23 18:14 91K 2020-05-25 08:44 44K
slabikar2.pfb 2020-07-28 12:05 43K
slabikar.pfb 2020-05-25 08:44 43K
slabi.tex 2017-09-23 18:11 18K
ukazka.tex 2020-07-28 18:42 15K
README 2020-07-28 12:58 3.6K
slabikar2.tfm 2020-07-28 12:44 2.8K
slabikar.tfm 2020-05-25 08:44 2.8K
csf-enc.tex 2020-05-25 09:35 1.9K
This package includes "hand-written" Czech and Slovak font "slabikar".
The English alphabet is the subset of Czech---so the font is usable in
English texts too.
Author: Petr Olsak (C) 1997, [Petr Ol\v{s}\'ak]
Additions for Slovak alphabet: Jozef Riha 2017 (using templates by Stanislav Fila)
Small improvements: Mari\'an Prochock\'y 2020
Different shape of "z" in slabikar2: Petr Olsak 2020
The files distributed with this package: ... the METAFONT source of the font "slabikar"
slabikar.tfm ... TeX font metrics
slabikar.pfb ... The Type1 format of the font. Use the following line
in the
slabikar slabikar <slabikar.pfb
slabikar2.tfm ... the same as slabikar.tfm, but the shape of "z" is modified
slabikar2.pfb ... the same as slabikar.pfb, but the shape of "z" is modified
ukazka.tex ... the example of usage of the font (in Czech language)
README ... this file
slabi.tex ... the article for Czech TeX bulletin
csf-enc.tex ... reencoding file for Unicode TeX engines
You can use this font as free software, i.e. without warranty.
If you do some changes in file, you MUST rename this one.
This font is possible to include into large TeX distributions, if all
unchanged files listed above are included from:
\pdfmapline{=slabikar slabikar <slabikar.pfb}
\font\s=slabikar at20mm
\s Text in the font Slabikar.
If you want different shape of "z", then you can write:
\pdfmapline{=slabikar2 slabikar2 <slabikar2.pfb}
\font\s=slabikar2 at20mm
\s Text in the font Slabikar with different z.
Dovolim si uvest jeden casty dotaz a moji odpoved na nej:
> Dobry den,
> jiz nejaky cas marne hledam psane pismo ze slabikare - pro Windows.
> Pri hledani jsem narazil na Vasi praci a tak mne napadlo,
> jestli treba nevite, kde mam hledat (Internet jsem uz vicemene
> prohledal, ale vsude jsou jen pisma ozdobna),
> nebo jestli vubec takove pismo existuje?
Nevim, zda takove pismo (krome fontu slabikar) existuje.
Pozn. z roku 2020: Dozvedel jsem se, ze existuje pismo Skolske,
viz Pismo je implementovano v OTF (OpenType).
Pismo Slabikar bohuzel neni ve formatu OTF, protoze TeXove ligaturni
popisy neumime do OTF prevest. Kdyby to někdo umel, prosim, ozvete se.
Pokud chcete pismo pouzivat v operacnim systemu, pak by melo mit
jednotlive znaky samostatne citelne a urcitym zpusobem spasovatelne
dohromady jedno za druhe. To nelze dokonale v pripade skolniho pisma
ze slabikare docilit: je potreba mezi nektera pismena doplnovat
spojovaci carecky, dotahovat zacatky a konce slov dalsimi careckami atd.
To system ve sve obecnosti nebude automaticky delat. Na to jsou
specialni programy, zabyvajici se praci s pismem, napriklad TeX. Ve
svem clanku
prave tyto technicke vlastnosti pisma popisuji a ukazuji, jak je
problem automatickeho doplnovani spojovacich carecek mozne resit
v TeXu.
Chcete-li ve Windows produkovat pismo ze slabikare, mate moznost si
instalovat TeX a toto pismo pouzit. TeX bezi i pod Vami jmenovanym
operacim systemem a je to free program.
Pokud se spokojite s rucnim doplnovanim spojovacich a dotahovacich
carecek (prace pro vezne), muzete se zeptat pana Stanislava
Fily (krajska pedagogicko-psychologicka poradna, Banska Bystrica),
ktery prevedl muj font slabikar do formatu ttf. Nevim, zda tuto
praci pan Fila zverejnil, ale vim, ze ji udelal.
Petr Olsak