\begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{Carey} G.~V. Carey. \newblock {\em Mind the Stop: A Brief Guide to Punctuation}. \newblock Penguin, 1958. \bibitem{Cooper} Bruce~M. Cooper. \newblock {\em Writing Technical Reports}. \newblock Penguin, 1964. \bibitem{Fowler-ModernEnglish} H.~W. Fowler. \newblock {\em [A Dictionary of] Modern {E}nglish Usage}. \newblock Oxford University Press, 2 edition, 1965. \bibitem{Fowler-KingsEnglish} H.~W. Fowler and F.~G. Fowler. \newblock {\em The {K}ing's {E}nglish}. \newblock Oxford University Press, 3 edition, 1931. \bibitem{Gowers} Sir~Ernest Gowers. \newblock {\em The Complete Plain Words}. \newblock Penguin, 1954. \bibitem{Hart} Horace Hart. \newblock {\em [Hart's] Rules for Compositors and Readers [at the Oxford University Press]}. \newblock Oxford University Press, 39 edition, 1983. \bibitem{Partridge} Eric Partridge. \newblock {\em Use and Abuse: a Guide to Good {E}nglish}. \newblock Hamish Hamilton, 4 edition, 1970. \bibitem{Quirk-CompGram} Randolph Quirk, Sydney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leach, and Jan Svartnik. \newblock {\em A Comprehensive Grammar of the {E}nglish Language}. \newblock Longman, 1985. \end{thebibliography}