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Plain TeX Template for Theses
on Charles University in Prague

Petr Olšák, July 2013


I decided to modify my template CTUstyle used for theses at CTU in Prague in order to give something to my alma mater University. The CUstyle is the template for bachelor, master or doctoral theses on Charles University in Prague using PlainTeX.

The template for theses solves the followig independent questions:

  • The specification of the mandatory parts of the thesis, their names and their placement into the document.
  • The way of making the document, i. e. (in TeX case) the markup of mandatory and obligatory parts in source file.
  • The design or typography of the formatted document.

Enjoy with the CUstyle!


  • custyle.zip ... Zip archive with all files needed for working with the CUstyle template.
  • custyle-doc.pdf ... The documentation of the CUstyle which is created by CUstyle. This document illustrates the outupt design and describes the way of making the document and mandatory parts of the document.

Dependences: TeX, csplain in version Nov. 2012 (or newer), OPmac in version Jul. 2013 (or newer).

Conditions for using, sharing, copying and modifying are the same as declared in OPmac web page.